
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry [Book Review]

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is part of a series by Mildred D. Taylor about the Logan family’s struggle against prejudice and racism in the South following the Civil War during the time of Jim Crow laws. In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry the family is struggling, as are many, during the Great Depression. Pa works on the railroad, away from the family for most of the year, Ma works as a school teacher, and Big Ma (grandma) helps run the farm. The four children attend an all-Black school where they must walk miles in the rain, mud, etc. to get to school instead of riding a bus as the white children do. The nine-year-old girl, Cassie, is the main protagonist. She is upset by all that is happening around her, which often leads her into trouble. The story is born out of the author’s families tales and lives, Taylor states

[b]y the fireside in our northern home or in the South…I learned a history not then written in books but one passed from generation to generation…a history of great-grandparents and of slavery and of the days following slavery: of those who lived still not free, yet who would not let their spirits be enslaved (viii).

The story has an important message to tell with well-written characters and a well-established setting. Taylor creates a world where the reader is transported back to the South during the Great Depression, to a time of sharecroppers/tenant farmers and cotton fields. Times were tough for everyone and life was especially hard for African-Americans. One caution, Taylor uses the language of the times, which makes for a realistic world but can offend many who do not understand. This book provides insight into a world that was harsh and explains many reasons for prejudice which still exists today. Unlike Hidden Figures, this book does not have a particularly happy ending. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is not a feel-good book or showing that you can overcome prejudice, it shows the harsh realities of the world as they were and are.

Mildred D. Taylor
Taylor’s storytelling is great; however, the ending comes suddenly with an unexpected twist. This book follows the family’s life as the struggle to keep their land and refuses to be bullied by the local white land owners. The book has a good structure with a good solid introduction to the characters, even though the storyline is a bit slow. The content of the book is worthwhile, just not a book that I prefer. The books main struggle and climax do not occur until the last few chapters. This adds intrigue but after reading so much that was going well for the family the end is depressing, as was the time this book was set. The end showed hope until the last few lines where you see that it does not turn out as it should have. I enjoyed reading the book and know the reality and that the ending is very realistic but was not sucked into the story until the last two chapters when most of the action happened. Overall, this book is a good read for those seeking to know more about the past but should be read with caution to younger readers.


Taylor, M. D. (1976). Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Bantam Books. New York.


Death's Mistress [Book Review]

I enjoyed Terry Goodkind’s “Sword of Truth” series, as well as the following series centered Richard and Kahlan, so I had high hopes for Death’s Mistress: Sister of Darkness, even though Nicci was never a favorite character but was well developed with an interesting story. 

The book is full of action like the other two series and promises much. Goodkind does tell a good story but seems to rely heavily on reminding readers that this is just a continuation of Richard’s story, never letting Nicci come fully into her own.
The book is not centered around Richard and Kahlan, as the other books set in the world of Dahra, but focuses on two Old World characters. Nicci, the titular character, a sorceress who once lived at the Palace of the Prophets and was a sister of the dark turned into Death’s Mistress by the Emperor Jagang; having seen the light with the help of Richard she now serves him with all her being. The second character is Wizard Nathan Rahl, an ancestor of Richard’s, he was once a prophet but now must face a world without prophecy thanks to the star shift Richard caused.
Nicci and Nathan encounter others along their journey to explore the world for Lord Rahl and tell others about the new Empire and benevolent ruler. Nicci secretly only took the assignment to be away from Kahlan and Richard but is that the only thing there is for her to do. Nathan, after spending hundreds of years cooped up in the Palace of the Prophets, is eager for an adventure like the ones he wrote about. So, the unlikely pair begin their journey in the Dark Lands, newly conquered in the Warheart (Goodkind’s book directly before this one). First, they go see Red, a witch woman, where they find a prophecy (though it has been removed from the world).
Future and Fate depend on both the journey and the destination. Kol Adair lies far to the south in the Old World. From there, the Wizard will behold what he needs to make himself whole again. And the Sorceress must save the world. (Goodkind, 23, 27).
This prophecy lead them on a journey to find answers and see new places.

The story is told from a third person all-knowing narrator’s perspective, as were the previous books set in this world. Goodkind is an excellent story teller making his readers want to keep reading and find what comes in the end, however the story-line itself leaves something to be desired. Each of the characters is well crafted and understandable, even those who are only in the story for a few short pages. There are some scenes which I believe were unnecessarily detailed (or glossed over for the 'effect' of a battle/love intrest) and did not actually move along the story. In a review by Publisher’s Weekly the review writes, “Goodkind’s name guarantees an audience, but they’ll find this installment unsatisfying” (Galen, 2017, par. 1). The last few chapters of the book feel additional, or the beginning of a new book, instead of giving the characters the time to relish their victory, they are immediately sent on a new quest, this time to truly “save the world.” I agree with the review I did pick up the book simply because I knew the world and Goodkind’s name, however I am uncertain if I would read any more in the series. The ending leaves me disappointed and wanting to change it instead of hopping for more. I preferred the part that I thought was the first ending, after they first “saved” the world from the main enemy of the book. But no, Nicci and Nathan could not have a happy ending with little loss, this was simply not to be and they were going to be sent on another quest that would leave them broken and with many more questions.


Galen, R. (2017). Death’s mistress: The Nicci chronicles, book 1. Publisher’s Weekly. Retrieved from http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-7653-8821-6

Goodkind, T. (2017). Death’s mistress: A novel from the Nicci chronicles. Tor Books.

Book image from Goodreads. Retrived from https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1465894004l/29939366.jpg