
Happy New Year! and Update

Happy New Year all.
Recently I have resorted to uploading old papers and reviews to this blog because well I'm in a bit of a reading funk. Hopefully, soon I will find a book that will hold my attention for more than a few chapters. I did get the second book in Genevieve Cogman's Invisible Library series and am excited about reading it.

This year will be exciting as I look for a full-time position as a librarian, I do have my hopes for a specific position but may not get it. This will affect my reading time but in a good way.

I'm looking forward to sharing my new reads with you and am looking for any ideas on good books you might have.

I also hope to post around twice a month about a book, movie, tv show, or simply my life here on the blog.

Thank you for reading.

Image from Free Images on Flickr. Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/free-images-flickr/37481321156/in/photostream/ 

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