
Review of Sign of Affection

Covers of A Sign of Affection 3 & 4

 It's been a while since I was able to read and review Signs of Affection books 1&2 by suu Morishita. But when I was finally able to sit down with these two volumes I posted through the story of Yuki as she navigates a relationship with her crush. The story is well crafted and engaging even for a new manga reader. The integration of sign language and speech makes for a delightful real juxtaposition into the world of Yuki and her companions. 


Yuki is unsure of herself and pushed by her best friend begins spending more time with her crush,
Itsuomi, an
upper classman at her college. She is deaf and sheltered, as seen in previous volumes. While he is a world traveler who has lived abroad. Their worlds have collided, and they are beginning to see each other differently. He began learning sign and not looking for a relationship but fell for Yuki. She was shy and uncertain but had a crush on him from an early meeting. 


Morishita (2021 a&b) skillfully draws the reader into this blossoming romance as Yuki and Itsuomi get to know one another and learn to communicate. The images demonstrate a cute relationship that their friends are surprised by but support. Each new step from holding hands to a kiss and then staying at his house are seen with a caution from Yuki and lead to Itsuomi learning the boundaries she has. The way the characters are open with one another is amazing and depicts a culture different than my own. 


Image from Manga of Itsuomi and Oushi chatting with Itsuomi arm around Oushi.
One person not happy with the relationship is an old friend/bully of Yuki's, Oushi. He is unhappy with the relationship as it grows and as book four ends there is a confrontation which we will have to read
about on the next volume. This reality will show if
Oushi's caution with Yuki is warranted it if he simply has always had a crush on her as his sister seems to indicate in volume three.


I relate to Yuki in fears of relationships...how does one act and what is expected. This story reflects the fear of many who are seeking relationship but do not know how to proceed. Even when happy with someone that fear and nerves take over. This well-crafted manga depicts the blending of two worlds as each learns from the other adjusting to make each comfortable. Learning to listen and watch. Morishita is a skillful storyteller and the translations are wonderful and full of character bringing the relationship and people to life. 


suu Morishita. (2021a) Signs of Affection. vol three. Translated by: Dashiell, Christine. New York: Kodansha Comics, 

suu Morishita. (2021b) Signs of Affection. vol three. Translated by: Dashiell, Christine. New York: Kodansha Comics. 

Image of books taken by me from the book drawn by suu Morishita 

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