
Another Blog: Illustrator Study

Well for most of this month I have been tied up working on final class projects. Two were blogs and the third a paper. I will be showcasing my Illustrator Study in this post. For the study, I looked at the work of two children's book author/illustrators.

I enjoyed working on the project for my Materials for Children class (INFO 263) at San Jose State University (SJSU) where I am completing my Master of Library and Information Science. I will have the degree completed, hopefully, this coming December (2017).

Blog Homepage
Retrieved from http://2017illustratorblogmartininfo263-10.weebly.com/
The above image is the first page of my project "blog" or I should say website. I provide information abut the two authors, Jan Brett and Rober Sabuda.
Screen Shot of Comparing Illustrators

Part of the Project included comparing the two illustrators styles. For this, I created the below image comparison and chart comparing their work/influences. This information is found on the website in more detail.

The above chart shows the information from the research I completed for the website and each illustrator. I found the similarities and differences fascinating. One similar influence was both were encouraged by their moms.  

This information and more can be found on the website for those who are interested in learning more about the two illustrators. Along with information about there is a brief bibliography of works for each illustrator including books written by each.

To view the whole project you can go to:


This will take you to the home page of my website where you can explore the information I have collected.

This is a finished project and will not be updated.

References (for the comparion chart)
Augustine, K. (2015). Stitching with paint: Inside the world of Jan Brett. Piecework, 23(5_, 16-19. Retrieved from http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ofm&AN=108673068&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Best Pop-Up Books. (2016). Robert Sabuda, paper magician (interview) [Header images]. Retrieved from http://www.bestpopupbooks.com/interview-robert-sabuda/

Brett, J. (2013, July 10). July 2013 hedge a gram (Web log comment) [Header image]. Retrieved from http://janbrettsblog.com/?m=201307

Brett, J. (2016, Jan. 4). January hedge a gram (Web log comment) [Header image]. Retrieved from http://janbrettsblog.com/?m=201601

Norton, D. E. (2011). Through the eyes of an artist: Robert Sabuda. In D. E. Norton (ED.), Through the Eyes of a Child: An Introduction to Children’s Literature (24). Boston: Pearson.

Sabuda, R. (2017a). About Robert. Retrieved from http://wp.robertsabuda.com/about-robert/

Sabuda, R. (2017). Pop-up Questions. Retrieved from http://wp.robertsabuda.com/pop-up-questions/

Scholastic. (2017). Jan Brett & her studio [Video]. Retrieved from http://www.scholastic.com/teacher/videos/teacher-videos.htm#3295495837001/ 1288060533001

Winner, M. (Host). (2016, November 26). Robert Sabuda: All the wonders, episode 308 [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from http://www.allthewonders.com/podcasts/robert-sabuda-all-the-wonders-episode-308/  

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